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Corian: a material that frees your imagination


Would you like to have unique furniture? Are you searching for design unrestricted by the constraints of wood? Are you looking for a material resistant enough and yet suitably refined for an exterior façade finish? Modern technologies present even the choosiest people with many – often previously inconceivable- possibilities. All these features are combined in a single material called Corian , also known as artificial stone or cast stone. Lithuanians, who are conservative by nature, often think that this material is only fit for table tops. And while it really is good for that purpose, it’s great for many other purposes as well

Made in the USA and Japan
Natural stone is a nice, durable material; however, it does have some weaknesses. Some types of stone are quite brittle, and have limited pattern choices, restricted by stone resources. Therefore, it is no surprise that, so-called, artificial or cast stone is becoming more and more popular. These simple names actually denominate a composite of aluminum trihydrate and acrylic polymer. Such composite acquires a look equal to that of natural stone, and even improves on it in some characteristics.  
Corian panels are brought to Lithuania from factories in the USA and Japan.

An improvement on natural stone
In many characteristics, Corian is an improvement on natural stone. It does not absorb water since it does not have pores. The material is easy to clean and extremely durable. From the point of view of functionality, the superiority over natural stone is huge: Corian can be used to manufacture basically anything.
The Corian panels brought to Lithuania are 6, 12 or 19 millimeters thick according to Jurgis Garmus, UAB Gforma Production Manager. However, this does not limit its design possibilities. Using special glue, the panels can be joined together seamlessly and extremely durably. The color of the glue is selected to match the color of the panel; therefore the joint is invisible. Of course, the panels can be cut on demand; and they can also be bent using high temperature and a special vacuum press.
The manufacturer’s claims, that the material is extremely durable and reliable, have been proved by numerous tests. While designing a specific piece of furniture or any other product, the major load bearing points will be looked at and, if necessary, thickened
A few examples will better demonstrate Corian’s potential: in the French city of Bordeaux the façade of the hotel Seeko is covered with Corian panels giving it the look of an iceberg floating in the ocean;  in the luxurious Turkish hotel Adame & Eve there is a 84.7 metre-long table made of Corian; and 400 square metres of Corian were used in the design of the Rendez-vous Toyota salon on the famous Champs Elysees in Paris, where around 1000 LEDs set in the walls create an inimitable effect.   

Free the designer’s imagination
Corian is available in around 100 colors options, thus creating endless design possibilities; and more colors are constantly being added to the range. The six millimetre thick panels are light-conductive – just imagine the amazing effect light can create coming through Corian panels.    
“Work surfaces and sinks– these are the most common products made of Corian, - says Jurgis Garmus. – However, an individual looking for really original products should come to our salon located in Namų Inžinerijos Centras, Pramonės prospektas, Kaunas. Here you can see some samples and catalogues and come to understand that kitchen furniture, chairs, tables or cupboards are not the only products which can be made of Corian. Other possible products include glass holders, chandeliers, vases…basically – anything. For example, a picture can be etched into a panel and it will remain there for the whole of its lifetime.”
Corian is mostly used in kitchens or bathrooms; however it is perfect for public spaces, banks, hotels, airports, etc.  And thanks to its special features, Corian is also perfect for situations where hygiene requirements are very important – restaurants, hospitals, etc.; for example, Corian is used for manufacturing surgical wash-hand facilities.      
Corian has been granted a hygiene certificate by the German company LGA , certifying that the products conform to all health and safety requirements applied to companies and institutions. Corian’s manufacturer has issued a certificate to Gforma stating that the companies activities meet all the quality requirements specified by them.  
Corian, created more than 40 years ago, has stood the test of time - a surface it is nice to live with.

UAB Gforma
Center NIC, IInd floor
Pramonės pr. 8E, Kaunas
Mobile: +370 686 39477


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Updated: 2025 02 11 
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