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JSC “Pramoninės metalo konstrukcijos“ – producer of colossal industrial metal structures


PMK produce steel structures for: buildings, bridges, railroads, automotive, offshore and aerospace. Company's motto — quality first. Production is performed strictly complying with international specifications and standards. We are certificated with the highest possible execution class EXC4 according to the EN 1090. Our production capacity and possibilities let us build heavy, up to 75 ton, bulky up to 6 m width and 30 m height custom structures.



"Akropole" steel constructions, Riga

PMK produced most of the structures, about 1500 tons for the largest and most modern shopping center in Riga with the area of 98 thousand. sq. m. The structures consist of complex three-dimensional triaxial round trusses. The main difficulty faced by the company was to ensure that the spatial trusses, which are interconnected through 6 spatial interconnection nodes, were successfully connected to a joint that is slightly longer than 80 meters. The company tackled this difficult task using the latest 3D modeling system BIM during production.



Aircraft Wing Transport Frame for Airbus

PMK International Project - Aircraft Wing Transport Unit. The products in this project were extremely complex and the tolerance requirements were very high - some products were produced with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees. This exclusive frame, which is loaded onto a transport aircraft and transported from one factory to another - an aircraft assembly plant - was manufactured, assembled and welded by PMK. The machining operations were carried out in Austria and the project was delivered in France.


Factory - Hollister Lietuva

PMK manufactured metal structures for Hollister Lietuva in Kaunas FEZ. Working in three shifts, PMK manufactured, shipped, and assembled over 1,000t oversized metal structures in a record three months.



Labanoras Regional Park tower

Project specifications: Height: 36 m; Total weight: 60 t.

It is hard to describe Specifically overall construction. There are no precise points of reference, no clear geometric forms. All parts are different, different radii of curvature. During building process we had constantly check and an interim assembly, make sure that the geometry of the tower fits.



Volkswagen factory conveyor support structures

One of the biggest automotive industry contractors entrusted JSC "Industrial metal Structures" to make conveyor structures for Volkswagen factory, which is located in South Africa. Constructions are to maintain a new production line. The volume of project was 230 tons.



"Advantec" Coil cradle

Coil cradle for use in the sea (offshore) environment. Cradle holds reels / drums on the ship which are very large and used for cable transportation. Manufactured cradle is 9m. long and 1,94m. Height. Construction meets DNV GL-OS-C401 standard (offshore standards contain technical requirements, principles and acceptance criteria related to classification of offshore units).



Overpass in Marijampole

Two-level junction with railway reconstruction in Marijampole Gediminas street. Pedestrian overpass. Overpass designed overlay of three, one hole, simply supported spatial steel trusses. The longest integral truss is 33m  length.


Properly designed and constructed steel structures provide long-term durability. To ensure durability of structures PMK engineers work with the latest design and engineering tools. The designed 3D structure model lets both parties save on production costs, while the precise static calculations ensure the durability and longevity of the structures.

Each steel structure is manufactured according to detailed production drawings. PMK's technical engineers have the ability to detail production drawings based on customer requirements. Metal processing is performed strictly complying with international specification and standards. The manufacturing is carried out under LST EN 1090-2 requirements. PMK is certified to the highest level of EN 1090 EXC4, which enables the production of special structures, public, road or rail, or even potentially dangerous structures, and nuclear power plants.





Palemono g. 9A, LT-52163 Kaunas

Phone: +370 699 28206




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Updated: 2025 01 06 
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