Relays are mostly used in electronics and electrical areas to commutate high current loads (usually transistors or thyristors are used to commutate smaller loads). Relays are necessary in domestic electronic appliances for automated switching of electrical motors (protective start relay), in cars’ electrical circuits, domestic and industrial refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Besides that, relays are widely used in industrial equipment, factories, energetics area, etc., where it is not possible to imagine no relays at all. Relay is a very important unit, thus its reliability and lifecycle are important before choosing correct type, but wiring process and simplicity are important as well in this process. Relays of Italian manufacturer are highly appreciated by specialists.
1. Well known around world company “Finder” manufactures industrial and power relays, fans, thermostats and heaters for cabinets’ microclimate control, electricity meters, power supplies and monitoring relays, also relays dedicated for railway, photovoltaic, light control applications, etc.
2. New generation of relay socket with “Push-in” spring terminals allows quick and reliable connection of solid wires or ferrules by their simple insertion into the terminal. Spring terminals ensure better clamping performance under movement and vibration.
3. Authorized “Finder” distributor for Baltic countries UAB “Ratechna” among selling of relays offers consultations for choosing correct relays and helps to solve automation tasks.
Andrej Ryškevič
UAB „Ratechna“ direktorius
Rinktinės g. 55, Vilnius
+370 655 76 555,