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Robotized production is already paying for itself in Lithuania as well


Faced with labour shortages and rising labour costs, companies are considering robotic manufacturing. But many questions arise: whether to buy a new or second-hand robot, whether made in Europe or abroad, and over what period will the investment pay off? Will the company be able to acquire a robot and production tools that meet its specific needs?  Dainius Guja, CEO of Faberis UAB, a company that designs and manufactures industrial equipment, shares his insights:



Many manufacturing companies in Lithuania face a shortfall of workers. The number of people willing and able to work hard is steadily decreasing.  Emigration contributes to this. Workers' wages in Lithuania have risen significantly and have reached a point where investing in robots is starting to pay off.


Smart production will not take a job away from people and will make work more productive, better quality and more cost-effective.

People often worry that robots will take jobs away from workers. I can assure you that the greatest benefit to both business and society comes from robots and humans working together. A robot cannot match a human for versatility and flexibility, and a human cannot equal a robot for strength, precision, and endurance. Smart production will not take work away from people and will make work more productive, better quality and more cost-effective.  Robot-human collaboration must be orderly, safe, efficient and enjoyable, and the human working environment must be ergonomic and beautiful.


Which robot to choose?

In terms of cost and quality, it would be optimal to employ a second-hand robot (housing, servo motors) with a new control system (actuators, control unit).  In practice, such a robot retains the precision and reliability of a new robot. It is easy to operate and maintain, and to get spare parts.  Challenges arise when acquiring robots that have not been upgraded. Moreover, the cost of a refurbished robot is about half that of a new robot. Robots from a wide range of world-leading manufacturers such as Kuka, ABB, Fanuc, Yaskawa can be upgraded. However, for faster, easier and cheaper servicing and repairs, it is advisable to choose the most popular robots, either in-house or in Europe. If production is intensive (or if there are multiple shifts) or if the production line is consistent and no disruption to the line equipment is allowed, then a new robot is essential. Therefore, before deciding whether to go for a used and refurbished robot or a new one, it is important to calculate and compare when the investment will be recovered.


The most difficult robotics tasks are usually in the mechanical domain - designing or customizing the robot tool, and completing the robot environment.

Robots were evolved decades ago, so they are no longer something special and rare.  In a robotics project, the robot is just one unit. The most difficult robotics tasks are usually in the mechanical domain - designing or customizing the robot tool, and completing the robot environment - because robots cannot work alone. It requires a tool and a working environment consisting of various conveyors and ancillary equipment.



Faberis equipment is distinguished by its high quality, reliability, safety, and the lowest possible price.

Faberis, which has been known as Novatronas since it was founded in 2002, has been designing and manufacturing such devices and robotic tools for almost 20 years. We have in our nomenclature numerous robotic devices that are well-designed, well tested and have been working successfully for many years. Faberis equipment is distinguished by its high quality, reliability, safety and lowest possible price.  The aim is that the robot, including the tool and ancillary equipment, should pay for itself in no more than 3 years.


Faberis designs and manufactures production line equipment for system integrators and provides product development and manufacturing services.

Our nomenclature includes many well-designed and mass-produced devices. We supply these devices to system integrators in the West.  They use our equipment to build robotic and automated production lines for their customers. We also offer these devices to Lithuanian companies that want to robotize their production.  This is very convenient for companies that don't have or don't want to have their own production facility, but have good programming and installation skills, good contacts with industry, and can offer good service and support.


I'd also like to mention another of our successful services - product development.  There are customers who have a good and original product idea and a market to market that product. We help the customer develop that idea and work with them to design a product, build a prototype and then manufacture that product. We protect the customer's copyrights. Various forms of cooperation are possible.  One of the most successful forms of cooperation is that we do not sell the developed product to anyone other than the customer, and the customer produces the developed product only with us.





Chemijos str. 27B

LT-51332, Kaunas, Lithuania


Tel. +370 673 18383


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