Home Other services Transport storage logistics Car carriage services EGLIANA IR KO


Address: Kalvarijos g. 13, Kaunas
Phone: (+370 37) 338997
Fax: (+370 37) 391565
Director: Merūnas Šarkelė
E-mail: rytis@egliana.lt
Website: http://www.egliana.lt
Company code: 135542734
PVM code: 355427314
Working time: I-V 9.30-17.30
Daliniai, pilni kroviniai, krovinių gabenimas, transportavimas, vežimas, pervežimas, pristatymas, į ES, Rusiją, Vakarų, Vidurio, Rytų Europą, automobilių transporto paslaugos, krovininis transportas, ekspedicija, logistikos paslaugos, tarptautiniai maršrutai, autokemperių nuoma, kemperiai.  
Types of activity:
Transport storage logistics
Car carriage services
Liquid products carriage
Transportation of large loads
Transportation of small loads
Expedition service
Isothermal body
Dodger trailer
Refrigeration equipment
In the west countries
In the eastern countries
Car carriage service
Cargo haul logistics
Liquid products carriage
Transportation of large loads
Transportation of small loads
Expedition service
Isothermal body
Dodger trailer
Refrigeration equipment
In the west countries
In the eastern countries